Healthy Cod, Healthy Bod

We’d say cod is one of the most underestimated fish on the market, especially in Thailand.  But cod is actually a great dinner option and one of the tastiest and healthiest fish around, you just have to find the right product!
That’s where Pacific Cod from Siam Viking comes in!


Cod is known to be a very healthy fish and boast health properties for everyone, let’s take a look.
Health Benefits:

 - High in protein (96% of the calories come from protein, providing all the amino acids your body needs)
 - A very lean fish with fat content lower than 3%

 - Typically a 150g portion of cod will give you the right amount of Omega-3 needed daily.

 - Cod is high in Vitamin A which helps with the immune system.
 - High in Vitamin B12 helping the body’s red blood cells.

 - Cod contains selenium which protects your body from free radical pollutants.

 - Iodine, which is a difficult mineral to find daily, can be found in cod.
 - Cooked cod is not only safe but recommended for pregnant women.

For more detailed information, take a look at the cod nutrition facts below from The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety:

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Pacific cod is one of the most common bottomfish, and a versatile fish adapted to a wide range of methods of preparation. Pacific cod, which is grown sustainably and constantly, can be a self-star, but it is also excellent in salads, appetizers and chowders as an ingredient. It adapts well to most cooking techniques and, like fish and chips, can be grilled, poached, steamed, sautéed, or deep-fried. 

Do you want to try the highest quality Pacific Cod at the best prices?  Order through us at Siam Viking and we will delivery it anywhere in Thailand straight to your door.


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