Smoked Whole Norway Herring (Kippers)

THB 250.00
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The single most important fish in human history is making waves again.
Without the herring, there would be far less life in and around the Atlantic Ocean. And your health, your taste buds and the planet will all thank you for eating more of it.

Cities have been founded and wars have been waged because of it. At times it has nearly single-handedly fed an entire continent. Coveted by almost everything that moves above and below water, the Atlantic Herring spends its entire life trying to avoid being eaten. No other fish plays a larger role in feeding the life in the Atlantic, and no other fish has played a larger role in feeding Europe.

How is this possible? Well, herring comes in big numbers. Exceptionally big numbers. A single school can contain over three billion individuals. This means that a single conglomeration of herring can occupy nearly five cubic kilometres – enough space to fit not one, not two, but two thousand of the Great Pyramid of Giza. That’s a lot of fish.